When medicine is interested in women ...
Women's health is not seen in the same way as that of men, and that is not new. In ancient times, diseases were underdiagnosed in women because they were considered diseases of men and vice versa, which had somewhat dramatic consequences.
Until the 17th or even 18th century, medicine was the work of men only, medical knowledge was produced by men, white and heterosexual. It was not until the second half of the 18th century that the medical profession became more interested in the health of women, or at least that of their reproductive system.
The uterus, then called the "womb", was at the heart of the studies. It was during this same period that we saw the birth of professions intended for the "womb", namely midwives and midwives, without however the issue of suffering not being taken into account.
Considered normal and natural, it does not give rise to any medical experiments and even less to therapeutic research. It was only towards the end of the 19th century that a new wind blew for women and finally the first chemical attempts appeared. According to Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), it was not until the end of the 1980s and first in the United States that there was a question of rethinking medicine and research. depending on gender. It was not until 1995 that the WHO (World Health Organization) created the Gender and Women's Health Department.
It was 18 years later, in 2013, that the Inserm Ethics Committee set up the Gender and Health Research working group and that in parallel, the National Public Health Agency (now Santé public France) and the High Authority for Health are committed to fighting against gender inequalities. Find more information from our partners: